b1g script i need help please.


Like i allready send the emial to the team of b1gmail for some help about one function witch i got small problem and i hope i will get any respondidea from team here or from other witch you more knowleg the php coding.

so the problem witch i have it is i want that user when registered new account not enter the mobile number

with "code area number" like is now that must enter +38640XXXXX6 and number of operator


MOBITEL ; 051 , 031, 041 etc.

Soo that be like automaticly system recognize that number if user add number like this 040XXXX without 00386 or +386

How can i doo this ? Please all i need help so i got friend witch understaind more php coding like i soo in the user area we doit this ok and work for sending messages to reciver enter just 040278328 but in the new account when user create an account not work.... this code has been add extra is that correct ?

Ok, but can you explain me this why SMS come in your panel but not in my mobile phone?

source code default:

"# Handyvalidierung erstellen
function createvalidate(){
global $name, $udata , $smarty;
$sms_to = array($udata['mobile']);
if(!$udata['validation_in_progress'] && !$udata['is_validated'] && !empty($sms_to)){
$pwgen = pwgenerate('8','3');
$sms_text = dbget('validationtxt','cmsg');
$sms_text = str_replace("%%title%%", dbget('title','config'), $sms_text);
$sms_text = str_replace("%%nachname%%", $udata['nachname'], $sms_text);
$sms_text = str_replace("%%name%%", $udata['name'], $sms_text);
$sms_text = str_replace("%%user%%", $udata['user'], $sms_text);
$sms_text = str_replace("%%code%%", $pwgen, $sms_text);
$sms_text = substr($sms_text, 0, 160);

$sql = new SQLq("SELECT gateway, provider, type FROM {bs_pre}types WHERE activ='1' AND validation='1'");
$row = $sql->FetchArray();
$gateway = $row['gateway'];
$provider = $row['provider'];
$type = $row['type'];
if(!empty($provider) && !empty($gateway))
{ Die entsprechende Provider-Datei einbinden
if(file_exists('inc/providers/provider_' . $provider . '.php'))"

add just this extra code like this becose that user enter just 040 or 051, 041 and numbers withous "code areas " +386 or 000386 " into this

inc/function.inc.php file ..

"# Handyvalidierung erstellen
function createvalidate(){
global $name, $udata , $smarty;
//$smsvalue = '00386' . substr($udata['mobile'], 1);
//$sms_to = array($udata['mobile']);
$sms_to = array('mobile');

if(!$udata['validation_in_progress'] && !$udata['is_validated'] && !empty($sms_to)){
$pwgen = pwgenerate('8','3');
$sms_text = dbget('validationtxt','cmsg');
$sms_text = str_replace("%%title%%", dbget('title','config'), $sms_text);
$sms_text = str_replace("%%nachname%%", $udata['nachname'], $sms_text);
$sms_text = str_replace("%%name%%", $udata['name'], $sms_text);
$sms_text = str_replace("%%user%%", $udata['user'], $sms_text);
$sms_text = str_replace("%%code%%", $pwgen, $sms_text);
$sms_text = substr($sms_text, 0, 160);

$sql = new SQLq("SELECT gateway, provider, type FROM {bs_pre}types WHERE activ='1' AND validation='1'");
$row = $sql->FetchArray();
$gateway = $row['gateway'];
$provider = $row['provider'];
$type = $row['type'];
if(!empty($provider) && !empty($gateway))"

but not working when user registered new account with entering number 051 or 040 or 031 not get the sms verification code to confirmed the number the gateways is OK setup and on the sms kaufen account i see that sms has been sended just not to cell phone.. and i check in the admin panel and i change the user mobile phone to +38640xxxxx or 00386 then i save and i get message that is number "confirmed" even if is not get the code to cell phone..

How i can manage to be work this in registration forms and send message to the user to cinfirmed the mobile number i want to usi this script just for SLOVENIA country..Thank you for time and respond i hope for any hint support solved this thing i will be happy!! Thank you, Simon.
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